This critique of VShred reflects my professional perspective. I would like to offer my thanks to all the individuals who provided me with their VShred logins, meal plans, emails, and so forth, which enabled me to compose this piece.
The VShred Assessment in 2024
As a dietitian, I always experience discomfort when encountering VShred advertisements and content. They appear to apply all the fundamental marketing tricks to entice people to enroll – creating a sense of urgency, fostering fear, presenting the program as virtually foolproof, and asserting that we have been ‘pursuing weight loss erroneously’ all this time.
Acquiring access to numerous VShred meal plans and PDFs and scrutinizing them for this VShred appraisal was an undertaking I had no desire to embark on.
There is a consistent readiness of individuals to voice their dissatisfaction with VShred – either they undertook the program and were dissatisfied, or they have an aversion to Vince Sant, the VShred model and representative.
There are also copious YouTube videos from credible bodybuilders elucidating the potential scam behind VShred, and Ben Carpenter, whose content I greatly admire, has confronted them on several occasions in his Reels. When reputable professionals unanimously express their disdain for a company, it is imperative to take heed.
What Does VShred Entail?
VShred entails a nutrition and fitness enterprise. The figurehead of VShred is an individual named Vince Sant, who possesses a substantial amount of muscles and rarely dons a shirt.
Shown below is a snapshot of Vince prepping meals…sans a shirt.

Vince was involved in fitness modeling before becoming associated with VShred, but now his job role has somehow evolved into ‘celebrity fitness trainer,’ despite the fact that numerous genuine fitness trainers would assert that Vince frequently exhibits incorrect form and some of the exercises he prescribes may be potentially injurious.
I refrain from delving extensively into the VShred workout regimen, as my area of expertise pertains to dietetics. What I can affirm is that it is widely recognized among trainers whom I hold in high regard that the VShred workouts are received negatively.
V-Shred Dietary Programs.
VShred provides a variety of programs such as Extreme Fat Loss, Personalized Diet and Training for Women (and Men), Ripped in 90 Days, Clean Bulk Program, 6-Pack Shred, The Booty Builder, and others.
It appears that the VShred 90-day Extreme Fat Loss program is the most popular based on the numerous discussions I have had, but it is plausible to infer that the other programs offered by VShred are largely derivations thereof.
This is roughly the typical VShred experience:
Respond to the questions on the VShred website to determine which diet and exercise program they recommend for you.
View a 60-minute video featuring the ‘world-renowned fitness model and certified trainer’ Vince Sant discussing your body type and presenting 3 straightforward remedies to eliminate your ‘flabby, out of shape body’ (accompanied by images of women grabbing their midsections) and achieve a ‘slender and toned physique’ that you will want to ‘flaunt’ without ‘starving yourself.’ Additionally, Vince has three ‘fat obliterator’ methods to assist you, but you must view the entire video for him to disclose them!
Calculate your macros or purchase the meal plans for an additional fee.
Perform the workouts.
There do not seem to be any safeguards for age (I selected the ‘teen’ category…and yes, it exists) or cautions regarding eating disorders or any other contraindications for undergoing such a program. This raises a red flag.
What is disconcerting is that when I input my 13-year-old daughter’s details into the questions on the VShred website (there is actually a ‘teen’ category), it presented me with a 60-minute video of Sant discussing how some women ‘battle with willpower’ and how VShred can aid them in eliminating stubborn fat.
Vince also discusses his mother and sisters in the video, and condescends about women’s bodies, which presumably is intended to evoke an emotional connection with us (a marketing ploy), but it left me feeling queasy due to its overt nature.
Vince appeared to be out of his depth with the ‘science,’ expounding upon metabolism and white fat versus brown fat and somatotypes, which are not substantiated concepts. (I have compiled a review on somatotypes and diet here)
There is no credible evidence to support the notion that somatotype – delineating an individual as an endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph – influences the suitable diet or the capacity to gain or shed weight. However, Vince asserts that the Fat Loss Extreme program is ideal for endomorphs like my 13-year-old daughter. It is an ‘automated fat loss solution’ that yields results ‘in a matter of weeks!’
I began to feel my interest waning during the protracted video, when Vince commenced discussing triglycerides. I experienced a slight surge of anticipation, assuming he might finally evoke something insightful, but he uttered the following:
“Triglycerides are very substantial particles that are unable to exit the fat cell and consequently become stored to constitute those ‘stubborn, fatty areas on your body that seem unfeasible to eliminate.”
Wait! He asserts that ‘the intriguing aspect’ is that those triglycerides can be pinpointed and broken down! The fat will ‘simply dissolve from your body!’
Uh, no. Vince, the Shirtless Expositor cannot broach scientific matters, everyone! RED FLAG!
Somebody ought to apprise Mr. Shirtless that not only is targeted fat burning NONEXISTENT, the ‘breakdown’ of triglycerides is a natural physiological process, and that it was NATURE, not VShred, which conceived that process.
Shall we all articulate it in unison? It is known as LI-PO-LY-SIS.
Furthermore, it should be comprehended once and for all that FAT DOES NOT DISSOLVE. If you aspire to discern what becomes of fat once it exits our bodies, read my post on it here. In reality, I have never encountered an evidence-based enterprise or individual who utilizes the phrase ‘fat dissolving.’
Kudos to anyone who possessed the patience to consume any of the VShred videos. The majority are protracted and saturated with pseudo-scientific gibberish and groundless enthusiasm about NOTHING, such that upon concluding any of them (and I watched a multitude), I genuinely entertained the notion of flinging my computer across the room.
In their content, VShred interchanges the terms ‘girls’ and ‘women,’ which is misogynistic, infantilizing, and serves to diminish women. Yet, this appears to be a recurring pattern with VShred. The company panders to the debased and antiquated notion that women ought to render themselves physically diminutive. They should also be youthful, slender, firm, and ‘alluring.’
There is a marked insinuation that women’s bodies are solely ‘alluring’ if they flaunt a 6-pack. Furthermore, the notion that ‘showcasing your body’ is something women aspire to, due to the presupposition that our bodies exclusively exist for the gratification of others, is untenable.
It is even more appalling that VShred is yielding a substantial profit by promoting this detestable message to both men and women. However, the company is managed by a collective of online marketers: this is their modus operandi. Vince is merely the visage of VShred. The other individuals comprise a group of marketing individuals skilled at salesmanship.
VShred Before and After Images.
VShred appears to be markedly fixated on before and after photos, and honestly speaking, they lack any research or other substantiation that would validate the efficacy of their programs.
program. I notice this frequently, especially with nutrition MLMs. Warning sign!
We are already aware that these images overall are effortlessly fabricated, but a source of mine revealed that VShred appropriated one of her photos from an Instagram fitness page and UTILIZED IT to promote their product. Moreover, my source has never used VShred. Ever.
While using the photo, VShred claimed it took 4 months for my source to achieve her results, which was entirely fabricated – she stated that it took 18 months. Nevertheless, the fact remains – VShred stole her image. They removed it after she confronted them about it, fortunately.
VShred evaluation 2024: Nutrition Assertions.
VShred often tends to make commitments regarding significant weight reduction that would essentially be unattainable for most individuals – like 21+ pounds in a few weeks. Assuring people that they’ll shed X pounds in X time is a major warning sign, as weight predictions are intricate to make for individuals, let alone as general statements to an entire populace.
The nutrition assertions that VShred makes are frequently extravagant and not rooted in evidence. It appears to be part of the typical wellness industry marketing ploy to provoke anxiety about a problem that you likely don’t have, and then peddle a remedy that will resolve it.
For instance, Vince discusses low, stalled, or impaired metabolic types. All of that sounds quite grave, and in a lot of people, it would induce feelings of fear and urgency (marketing 101).
In reality, such things do not exist. You can’t ‘stall’ your metabolism, which theoretically would mean that you’re DEAD. Also, I’ve come across this ‘broken’ metabolism concept frequently lately, but it’s equally non-existent. Warning sign! (Read my article on how metabolism functions here)
Your metabolism isn’t a device that you can restart, reset, or damage. Even if VShred defends their use of these terms as simplifying the understanding of metabolism, that’s likely not accurate.
In fact, misinformation like this typically confuses people, making them anxious because they genuinely believe that something is wrong with them… when it’s not.

Vince extensively discusses remarkable ‘fat loss’ hormones that ‘govern your metabolism,’ and hormonal ‘misfires’ – as if 1. this is truly how the body operates (it’s not) and 2. He possesses the information and expertise to ‘fix’ your metabolism and fat storage issues.
He cultivates desperation and subsequently sells the solution, which is a solution for nothing… because ‘hormonal misfiring’ is non-existent, and if ‘remarkable fat loss hormones’ existed, we would all be well-informed about them by now. Warning sign.
VShred’s exceedingly lengthy and annoying videos are filled with science-like stock photos of DNA and scientists in labs, all while discussing how ‘Harvard scientists’ unearthed ‘biological loopholes’ that can aid in burning fat within 30 seconds. The ‘loophole’ they refer to is the hormone irisin, which was documented in 2012 and not widely known since. Hm. I wonder why that is?
They also mention TRPV1, which current research reveals to be a receptor in the body that supposedly supports the production of brown fat cells. However, this is observed in mouse models and laboratory experiments with prolonged exposure to cold conditions.
Not with VShred supplements and exercises.
This is the pattern with VShred and numerous other nutrition firms out there: they appear to take a speck of truth and manipulate it into something it’s not, often using outdated and animal research to ‘validate’ their point. Warning sign.
For weight loss, VShred allows you to select between a macro plan or carb cycling also known as ‘metabolic confusion.’ (Their terminology, although I’ve encountered it before).
Yet again, your metabolism doesn’t become confused. In fact, quite the opposite – it comprehends exactly what to do. And if it had a voice, it would scoff at the assertions that VShred makes about it.
Carb cycling and macro counting are two calorie-reduction choices for weight loss. Both involve extensive counting and monitoring and are unquestionably the contrary of intuitive.
Here are a few illustrations of VShred ‘personalized’ meal plans:
It’s a low-calorie diet. End of story. Who cares about the macros? They’re inconsequential – the calories are what matter. So yes, 51% carbs appears high, until you realize that the total calories are below 1200! WTF!
People forwarded me numerous weeks of VShred meal plans, and the lowest calorie day was 1195; the highest, just above 1500. For the majority of people, this caloric level is NOT sustainable, and it can be physically and emotionally unhealthy.
Yes, you will lose weight on a low-calorie diet. However, there’s a reason why most dietitians don’t create meal plans: they don’t educate you on self-managing your dietary choices, and you can’t adhere to one for the rest of your life.
VShred lacks any psychological or emotional aspect as well (even if that could compensate for it being a diet – see my Noom evaluation for my perspective on that. VShred is like, ‘consume this, do that, take these supplements, and your life will be revolutionized.
The fact that VShred simplifies weight loss is a recipe for emotional distress. Weight loss is infrequently simple – in reality, it’s often quite intricate. Positioning it as simple induces guilt and shame when we inevitably fail on the diet.
One individual disclosed to me that despite informing her VShred ‘coach’ that she disliked certain foods, they kept appearing in her meal plan week after week. VShred doesn’t provide much information about their coaches’ qualifications, but it’s improbable that they are qualified to counsel anyone on eating.
She also shared this:
“I was once part of the private FB group VShred for Women. I recollect it being extremely negative – almost cult-like. “Vince would be so upset with me because I consumed this or didn’t do that…”. I wanted to say “Vince doesn’t know you exist…” And the excessive monitoring of every morsel, every type of food. If you didn’t have an eating disorder before, I sensed that you would develop one if you remained in it for any length of time.“
VShred PDFs.
In their daily emails, VShred shares plenty of PDFs designed to appear as helpful tips, but they undeniably contain significant marketing.
Take this PDF on ‘Cravings.’ It offers some of the poorest suggestions when it comes to handling cravings (chew gum? Drink water with BCAAs? Purchase smaller dishes? No genuine nutrition professional would ever suggest these). RED FLAG!!
There’s ALWAYS a 20% off/sale label on pretty much everything VShred sells, creating the illusion that you’re receiving a bargain.
You aren’t. There’s something very suspicious about a product that is CONSTANTLY on sale.

There’s always a grab for money at the end…always. These supplements have never been verified to combat cravings.
Guess what combats cravings? EATING. Not depriving yourself on a low-calorie diet or restricting certain foods, and determining the source of the cravings in the first place. VShred probably won’t assist you with any of that, though.
VShred supplements.
I’m convinced that VShred earns a considerable portion of its revenueVShred’s promotion of supplements as an optional addition to their products is contradicted by their persistent marketing efforts, particularly in their frequent email communications. A follower recently shared a lengthy, overtly promotional email from VShred, which is representative of the company’s approach. Not only is the email filled with meaningless content, but it also relentlessly pushes VShred’s supplements and programs, accompanied by low-quality advertisements that exhibit spam-like tendencies.
The marketing strategy employed by VShred is evident, as the repeated exposure to sales pitches is intended to eventually prompt customers to make a purchase. The link in the email leads to a lengthy video featuring Vince in a muscle tank discussing human growth hormone, encouraging viewers to buy SCULPTnation’s HGH Booster for an alleged ‘HGH deficiency.’ However, the prevalence of adult onset HGH deficiency is extremely rare, making the necessity for such a supplement highly improbable. Additionally, the ingredients in SCULPTnation HGH Booster are likely ineffective for HGH deficiency, consisting mainly of B vitamins, a plant with limited research backing for testosterone enhancement, and various amino acids, making it a wasteful expenditure.
In a similar vein, SCULPTnation offers a ‘Fat loss stack’ comprising its fat burners, BurnEvolve and BurnPM, which are likely ineffective, as no human studies support their ability to effectively contribute to weight loss. Furthermore, VShred’s frequent association of ‘fat burning’ claims with its supplements serves as a significant indicator of concern. If any product had the ability to burn fat as claimed, the weight loss industry would not exist, and VShred would not require marketing it, as it would be prescribed by medical professionals.
Vince’s assertion that ‘diet and exercise aren’t as scientifically supported as the ingredients in Burn’ is unsubstantiated, and the idea of targeting fat burning at night, as showcased by BurnPM, is purely fictional.
In conclusion, the dissemination of potentially misleading content by VShred suggests a habitual pattern, and based on the evidence presented, VShred does not come recommended. If VShred indeed provides results, it’s likely due to its low-calorie and highly structured nature, rather than due to the supplements’ capabilities, which seem to promise more than they can deliver. The overemphasis on the supplements’ effectiveness, strained credibility, and the lack of endorsement by credible sources raises doubts about their workouts as well.
In essence, there are 19 significant warning signs. Is VShred being granted too much leniency?
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